Progressive Fighting Arts

Progressive Fighting Arts embodies highly efficient and effective concepts, theories and training methods from a wide variety of martial arts disciplines. The class curriculum contains elements from Modern Arnis, Filipino Martial Arts, NSI Concepts/Renegade JKD, Western Boxing, Muay Thai, and Non Classical Gung Fu. Each art offers different pieces of an integrated whole, for example, Modern Arnis and Filipino MA's incorporate weapon use that develops co-ordination and gross motor function while powerful striking tools are built through Muay Thai and Boxing training. Non Classical Gung Fu fosters the development of sensitivity and a deeper understanding of center line principles. Training in this way allows for the emphasis to be placed on recognizing where motions of these systems overlap, thus allowing a continuous flow from art to art.
Rather than memorization of techniques, the main focus is on the development of attributes. Attributes like rhythm, timing, speed, power, sensitivity, reflexes, balance, targeting, spatial relationship, to name a few, are all strengthened. The curriculum expands to cover joint locks and controls, ground defence/counter grappling, multiple opponents, take downs, throws, improvised weapons, foot traps and base disruptions, environmental use and more. It is also important to note, because everyone is different, Progressive Fighting Arts promotes an understanding of individual personality and style. It allows for growth as you mature and will adapt to the changes in both yourself and the environment so you develop YOUR OWN ART.
Heavens Fitness
637 11th Ave. SW
Cochrane Martial Arts Center
#6 1st Ave. W
Private/Semi-Private/Group Classes Available
See Profile For Contact Info